Nigerian Private Security Company

The Basics of APA Style Tutorial

On Writing Essays for this Class

Syllabus for word processors

Syllabus in PDF format

Final Project Teams

Final Project #1

Final Project #2

Final Project #3

Private Security

Welcome to Private Security.  There are links of interest to the left.  Note that the one syllabus is formatted for word processors and the other is in Acrobat (.pdf) format.  If on campus, download the .pdf version.

Information on your final project.  You will need resources to complete your final project.  It should be about six pages, done in proper APA format (i.e. with in-text citations and a reference page).  If your only reference is the text, your grade will be disappointing.  Below are some references to get your started.  I suggest you download these onto your flash drive.  You will need others.  If you have found some good sources that other students may find helpful, send them to me and I will include them here.

For all projects, one question that comes up is whether we are concerned with security only because we want to be good public citizens, or whether there is a more coercive reason.  The failure to provide protection for people on your property could make the owner subject to premise liability.  To see examples of premise liability and how to protect the property owner, click here.

For the school security project, the Northern Ireland Department of Education has created a school security risk assessment form, which should be used in conjunction with the interpretation manual.  This information should get you started.  

For the apartment security project, you will find a short checklist here which should get you thinking in the right direction, but you will need to use something similar to this more extensive checklist to do your actual project.  Look at page 181 for the checklist.  Remember, these checklists are only for data collection--they can be attached to your report as an appendix, but they do not count toward your page count.

© Christopher Bruno
